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Hype Urban 70cm multi-purpose drinks refrigerator

Beverage refrigerator is a useful and effective tool in daily life and commercial environments due to its diverse features and applications. This product is equipped with a powerful cooling system and the ability to adjust the temperature. With this convenience store refrigerator, you can keep your drinks cold in stores, stores, restaurants, or even industrial and commercial environments.

Beverage refrigerator features

The main features of these refrigerators are:

Powerful cooling system: to maintain drinks at low to high temperatures.
Temperature adjustment: To choose the ideal temperature according to the type of drink.
Child Lock: To prevent children from accessing the refrigerator.
Digital Display: Display temperature and settings digitally.
Internal lighting: for easy viewing of the contents inside the refrigerator.
Anti-freeze system: to maintain cleanliness and best performance.
ADJUSTABLE COMPARTMENTS: For better organization of drinks and food.
Low power consumption: to save electricity.
Beautiful and suitable design: It matches the decor of the environment.
Warranty and after-sales service: To ensure the quality and best performance of the refrigerator.

Beverage refrigerator application

This model of upright refrigerators is used for different purposes and has different applications. Some of these applications include:

Cold drinks storage: These refrigerators are used to store various materials such as water, juice, soft drinks, dals and other drinks at appropriate temperatures.
Cold food storage: Among the foods that are placed in this model of refrigerators, we can mention cakes, sweets, fruits, and cold salads.
Use in parties and events: These refrigerators are used in parties and various occasions such as parties, weddings, and conferences to serve drinks to guests.
Commercial Applications: In some shops and restaurants, these refrigerators are also used to store and supply beverage products.
Use in homes and offices: These refrigerators are used in homes and workplaces as a convenient option for quick access to drinks.

Beverage refrigerator prices

The price of this refrigerator model is at the beginning of the page. For more information, it is best to contact our sales department.

Online shopping for Urban Beverage Refrigerators

Those interested in purchasing beverage refrigerators online can purchase this product from us under special conditions such as warranty and certificate of authenticity. If you do not have enough information about this product and its features, you can contact our consultants and get advice before purchasing.


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